Miffy is a Communist!

I was watching Miffy the other day (just checking out what Sophie watches), and after seeing a few episodes, I came to the inevitable conclusion – Miffy is nothing more than a shill for communism! Before you laugh, let me explain:

In one episode, Miffy is speaking to her father – she would like to have a doghouse for her dog Snuffy. I guess Snuffy has been sleeping down in Miffy’s basement, and now needs a place of her own. To get this space built, father will need some wood. Miffy suggests visiting Boris Bear (even the name drips with symbolism). She says that Boris has a lot of wood, and should have plenty to spare for the Miffy family. Father agrees, saying it’s a good idea.

Miffy goes to visit Boris Bear, who not only is more than happy to give them all the lumber they need, free of charge, he also offers to cut the wood so that all they have to do is simply put it together. They take the wood home, build Snuffy’s house, and all is right with the world.

Put it all together – Boris (the Russian Bear) is happy to give away his lumber. After all, he follows the tenet that those with the greatest ability should provide for those with the greatest need. Who has a greater need than a rabbit without opposing thumbs?

In the next episode, Miffy needs a dollhouse for her doll. Once again, Boris is the source for their supplies. Once again, Boris is happy to provide them with all their needs without thought of any remuneration. This time, however, there is a wrinkle. Along the ride home, Miffy’s doll somehow gets thrown from the car and is lost in the deep dark forest. The forest where only the strongest survive; the forest of Capitalism.

What can they do? Is the doll lost forever? Will she become just another prol in the service of the bourgeoisie? Don’t worry, all is not lost. Snuffy, who is now a full-blown Marxist, leaps down, and runs off into the forest. He returns shortly with the doll, saving yet another soul from the evils of big industry.

Don’t believe me yet? A few minutes later, there is another scene, this time a little game that the narrator plays with Miffy and Poppy Pig. What is the name of the game? “The Same Game” – that’s right, the goal of the game is to have both players with the same number of items. If that doesn’t scream redistribution of wealth, I don’t know what does!

After watching this display of the New Social Order, I was amazed. How could this be shown on TV in the greatest capitalist nation on earth? I realized that it was being shown on the only kids channel without commercials, “Noggin”. How can television exist without any advertising? Impossible. Unless, of course, it’s yet another way to separate us from our capitalist roots.

My solution? I did what I had to do. Now Sophie only watches a steady diet of “Wall $treet Week” and CNBC’s “Squawk Box”. I think we can still save her.

UPDATE: Due to a request from the fine folks at Van Doorne (lawyers for Mr Miffy), I have removed the drawing of Miffy.

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  1. I just wanted to stop by and welcome you as my tenant for this week =)

    I think I’ve seen something about Miffy-the-Communist before.. lol. At the end of the day, pretty much everything is propaganda for something or other… and in Miffy, I’m sure the little ‘uns aren’t going to pick up on the subliminal messaging. If anything, it’s just going to teach ’em the age-old moral that to share is fair!

  2. Sounds very fishy to me…I must look deeper into this problem….

    it’s becoming clearer that problems such as this are designed to control kids and grab them from the beginning…interesting….

    – Jon
    – Daddy Detective

  3. Great observation…I think it’s true that so often messages are sent out.

    But sometimes we seek the messages like in backwards song they say the lyrics change and they’re really hard to make out. Some songs really DO that on purpose but I’m speaking of those that are found randomly.

    Interesting subliminals being used, you think?

  4. I can asure you that most Miffy (Miffas) grow up as just little rotten spoiled bunnies who adore capitalism, luxury hotels and Aston Martins

  5. Boston wins one World Series and you guys think you know everything.

    Yeah, Miffy is a Commi. Why? Cause they share and teach kids to count?
    What bastards! Miffy should go to Wal-Mart in her SUV and buy a bunch of stuff. Stuff made by third world people working for pennies a day, so Boston fags like you can get your Red Sox T shirts for 5 bucks each. Miffy should be like your kids who will grow up and be greedy little bastards, who only share their father’s stupid opinions.

    Red Sox Suck!!!

  6. Dear Sir,

    I am writing to you in my capacity as the attorney of Mercis B.V., established in Amsterdam, and Mr. Dick Bruna, domiciled in Utrecht, the Netherlands.

    Dick Bruna is the maker of the Miffy (in Dutch “Nijntje”) figure, among other characters. Dick Bruna’s drawings are protected by copyright. Dick Bruna has transferred his copyrights to Mercis B.V. For further information about Mercis B.V. and the works of Dick Bruna, please visit http://www.mercis.com and http://www.nijntje.nl or http://www.miffy.com. It is unlawful to use those rights without the permission of the copyright proprietor.

    Mercis B.V., however, has established that without its permission a figure of Dick Bruna is exposed at the following website; http://www.the-patricks.net/sweetstuff/2006/02/miffy-is-communist.html.

    This figure forms a reproduction/modification of my client’s copyrighted work and thus infringement is committed on my client’s copyright.

    Furthermore, also the setting of which Miffy has been shown on the internet is in a manner that Mercis B.V. and Dick Bruna oppose.

    Against that background I hereby kindly ask you to remove the Miffy related content from the concerned website before Thursday 5 October next.

    We look forward to your affirmative response.

    Yours Sincerely,

    Van Doorne N.V.
    Lorijn van der Valk

    Jachthavenweg 121
    1081 KM Amsterdam
    P.O. Box 75265
    1070 AG Amsterdam
    The Netherlands

    T +31 (0) 20 6789 281
    F +31 (0) 20 7954 281
    M +31 (0) 6 11 388 565

  7. At the end of the day Miffy is a cartoon for little children and if they like it we should let them get on with it. The moral is they are teaching our children how to count and SHARE and that should be all that matters. If our children are learnig to be nice to each other through cartoon such as Miffy then we should be happy as that means this world is going to be a better place for them to grow up in and if Miffy does this then i don’t have a problem with my daughter watching it and nor should you!

  8. You have a whole lot of time on your hands, don’t you? lol. 😀

    I have to say though, that bunny is really cute. xD

  9. At the end of the day Miffy is a cartoon for little children and if they like it we should let them get on with it. The moral is they are teaching our children how to count and SHARE and that should be all that matters. If our children are learnig to be nice to each other through cartoon such as Miffy then we should be happy as that means this world is going to be a better place for them to grow up in and if Miffy does this then i don’t have a problem with my daughter watching it and nor should you!

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