It’s a Famdemic

That’s right – the whole family has been knocked low. I blame the flu shots, but then again, I believe in Intelligent Design.

I probably caught it from someone at work, and wanted to share my gift with the family. So far we’ve gone thrugh a half dozen boxes of tissues, a few bottles of cold medicine, and a jar of honey (for that nasty sore throat).

The only good news is we’re not alone:

Bean’s dad is dealing with the same thing I am – how do you teach a toddler how to blow through her nose? When I say blow, she just blows through her mouth like the kleenex is a birthday candle.

Laid-Off Dad also has gone through the House of Pox, where phlegm is considered one of the four food groups. Of course, no sick family is complete without the scary hospital visit.

Eric over at More Diapers has been dealing with his famdemic (OK, I stole the word from him – if you can’t be creative, steal the good stuff), so it seems like Massachusetts has not been spared.

And that was just the Daddy Blogs that I read. It looks like the chicken flu will be with us all season.

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